当前位置:科技动态 > 连续树


  • 发布:2023-09-25 03:36

如果在每个根到叶路径中,两个相邻的键之间的绝对差为 1,则树是连续树。给定一棵二叉树,我们需要检查树是否连续。


Input :              3
                    / \
                   2   4
                  / \   \
                 1   3   5
Output: "Yes"

// 3->2->1 every two adjacent node's absolute difference is 1
// 3->2->3 every two adjacent node's absolute difference is 1
// 3->4->5 every two adjacent node's absolute difference is 1

Input :              7
                    / \
                   5   8
                  / \   \
                 6   4   10
Output: "No"

// 7->5->6 here absolute difference of 7 and 5 is not 1.
// 7->5->4 here absolute difference of 7 and 5 is not 1.
// 7->8->10 here absolute difference of 8 and 10 is not 1.


// C++ program to check if a tree is continuous or not
using namespace std;
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child
   and a pointer to right child */
struct Node
    int data;
    struct Node* left, * right;
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the
   given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct Node* newNode(int data)
    struct Node* node = new Node;
    node->data = data;
    node->left = node->right = NULL;
// Function to check tree is continuous or not
bool treeContinuous(struct Node *ptr)
    // if next node is empty then return true
    if (ptr == NULL)
        return true;
    // if current node is leaf node then return true
    // because it is end of root to leaf path
    if (ptr->left == NULL && ptr->right == NULL)
        return true;
    // If left subtree is empty, then only check right
    if (ptr->left == NULL)
       return (abs(ptr->data - ptr->right->data) == 1) &&
    // If right subtree is empty, then only check left
    if (ptr->right == NULL)
       return (abs(ptr->data - ptr->left->data) == 1) &&
    // If both left and right subtrees are not empty, check
    // everything
    return  abs(ptr->data - ptr->left->data)==1 &&
            abs(ptr->data - ptr->right->data)==1 &&
            treeContinuous(ptr->left) &&
/* Driver program to test mirror() */
int main()
    struct Node *root = newNode(3);
    root->left        = newNode(2);
    root->right       = newNode(4);
    root->left->left  = newNode(1);
    root->left->right = newNode(3);
    root->right->right = newNode(5);
    treeContinuous(root)?  cout << "Yes" : cout << "No";
    return 0;

// Java program to check if a tree is continuous or not
import java.util.*;
class solution
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
static class Node
    int data;
    Node left, right;
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the
given data and null left and right pointers. */
static Node newNode(int data)
    Node node = new Node();
    www.sychzs.cn = data;
    node.left = node.right = null;
// Function to check tree is continuous or not
static boolean treeContinuous( Node ptr)
    // if next node is empty then return true
    if (ptr == null)
        return true;
    // if current node is leaf node then return true
    // because it is end of root to leaf path
    if (ptr.left == null && ptr.right == null)
        return true;
    // If left subtree is empty, then only check right
    if (ptr.left == null)
    return (Math.abs(www.sychzs.cn - www.sychzs.cn) == 1) &&
    // If right subtree is empty, then only check left
    if (ptr.right == null)
    return (Math.abs(www.sychzs.cn - www.sychzs.cn) == 1) &&
    // If both left and right subtrees are not empty, check
    // everything
    return Math.abs(www.sychzs.cn - www.sychzs.cn)==1 &&
            Math.abs(www.sychzs.cn - www.sychzs.cn)==1 &&
            treeContinuous(ptr.left) &&
/* Driver program to test mirror() */
public static void main(String args[])
    Node root = newNode(3);
    root.left     = newNode(2);
    root.right     = newNode(4);
    root.left.left = newNode(1);
    root.left.right = newNode(3);
    root.right.right = newNode(5);
    System.out.println( "Yes") ;
    System.out.println( "No");
//contributed by Arnab Kundu

// C# program to check if a tree is continuous or not
using System;
class solution
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
class Node
    public int data;
    public Node left, right;
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the
given data and null left and right pointers. */
static Node newNode(int data)
    Node node = new Node();
    www.sychzs.cn = data;
    node.left = node.right = null;
// Function to check tree is continuous or not
static Boolean treeContinuous( Node ptr)
    // if next node is empty then return true
    if (ptr == null)
        return true;
    // if current node is leaf node then return true
    // because it is end of root to leaf path
    if (ptr.left == null && ptr.right == null)
        return true;
    // If left subtree is empty, then only check right
    if (ptr.left == null)
    return (Math.Abs(www.sychzs.cn - www.sychzs.cn) == 1) &&
    // If right subtree is empty, then only check left
    if (ptr.right == null)
    return (Math.Abs(www.sychzs.cn - www.sychzs.cn) == 1) &&
    // If both left and right subtrees are not empty, check
    // everything
    return Math.Abs(www.sychzs.cn - www.sychzs.cn)==1 &&
            Math.Abs(www.sychzs.cn - www.sychzs.cn)==1 &&
            treeContinuous(ptr.left) &&
/* Driver program to test mirror() */
static public void Main(String []args)
    Node root = newNode(3);
    root.left     = newNode(2);
    root.right     = newNode(4);
    root.left.left = newNode(1);
    root.left.right = newNode(3);
    root.right.right = newNode(5);
    Console.WriteLine( "Yes") ;
    Console.WriteLine( "No");
//contributed by Arnab Kundu


// CPP Code to check if the tree is continuous or not
using namespace std;
// Node structure
struct node {
    int val;
    node* left;
    node* right;
        : val(0)
        , left(nullptr)
        , right(nullptr)
    node(int x)
        : val(x)
        , left(nullptr)
        , right(nullptr)
    node(int x, node* left, node* right)
        : val(x)
        , left(left)
        , right(right)
// Function to check if the tree is continuous or not
bool continuous(struct node* root)
    // If root is Null then tree isn't Continuous
    if (root == NULL)
        return false;
    int flag = 1;
    queue Q;
    node* temp;
    // BFS Traversal
    while (!Q.empty()) {
        temp = Q.front();
        // Move to left child
        if (temp->left) {
            // if difference between parent and child is
            // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
            // flag = 0 and break
            if (abs(temp->left->val - temp->val) == 1)
            else {
                flag = 0;
        // Move to right child
        if (temp->right) {
            // if difference between parent and child is
            // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
            // flag = 0 and break
            if (abs(temp->right->val - temp->val) == 1)
            else {
                flag = 0;
    if (flag)
        return true;
        return false;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Constructing the Tree
    struct node* root = new node(3);
    root->left = new node(2);
    root->right = new node(4);
    root->left->left = new node(1);
    root->left->right = new node(3);
    root->right->right = new node(5);
    // Function Call
    if (continuous(root))
        cout << "True\n";
        cout << "False\n";
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Sanjeev Yadav.

// JAVA Code to check if the tree is continuous or not
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// Node structure
static class node
    int val;
    node left;
    node right;
        this.val = 0;
        this.left = null;
        this.right= null;
    node(int x)
        this.val = x;
        this.left = null;
        this.right= null;
    node(int x, node left, node right)
        this.val = x;
        this.left = left;
        this.right= right;   
// Function to check if the tree is continuous or not
static boolean continuous(node root)
    // If root is Null then tree isn't Continuous
    if (root == null)
        return false;
    int flag = 1;
    Queue Q = new LinkedList<>();
    node temp;
    // BFS Traversal
    while (!Q.isEmpty())
        temp = Q.peek();
        // Move to left child
        if (temp.left != null)
            // if difference between parent and child is
            // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
            // flag = 0 and break
            if (Math.abs(temp.left.val - temp.val) == 1)
                flag = 0;
        // Move to right child
        if (temp.right != null)
            // if difference between parent and child is
            // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
            // flag = 0 and break
            if (Math.abs(temp.right.val - temp.val) == 1)
                flag = 0;
    if (flag != 0)
        return true;
        return false;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Constructing the Tree
    node root = new node(3);
    root.left = new node(2);
    root.right = new node(4);
    root.left.left = new node(1);
    root.left.right = new node(3);
    root.right.right = new node(5);
    // Function Call
    if (continuous(root))
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji

// C# Code to check if the tree is continuous or not
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
  // Node structure
    class node
        int val;
        node left;
        node right;
      public node()
        this.val = 0;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;  
      public node(int x)
        this.val = x;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
      public node(int x, node left, node right)
        this.val = x;
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;   
  // Function to check if the tree is continuous or not
  static bool continuous(node root)
    // If root is Null then tree isn't Continuous
    if (root == null)
      return false;
    int flag = 1;
    Queue Q = new Queue();
    node temp;
    // BFS Traversal
    while (Q.Count != 0)
      temp = Q.Peek();
      // Move to left child
      if (temp.left != null)
        // if difference between parent and child is
        // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
        // flag = 0 and break
        if (Math.Abs(temp.left.val - temp.val) == 1)
          flag = 0;
      // Move to right child
      if (temp.right != null)
        // if difference between parent and child is
        // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
        // flag = 0 and break
        if (Math.Abs(temp.right.val - temp.val) == 1)
          flag = 0;
    if (flag != 0)
      return true;
      return false;
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Constructing the Tree
    node root = new node(3);
    root.left = new node(2);
    root.right = new node(4);
    root.left.left = new node(1);
    root.left.right = new node(3);
    root.right.right = new node(5);
    // Function Call
    if (continuous(root))
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji




另一种方法(使用 BFS(队列))


我们将简单地逐级遍历每个节点并检查父子节点之间的差异是否为 1,如果所有节点都为 true,则返回true ,否则返回false


// CPP Code to check if the tree is continuous or not
using namespace std;
// Node structure
struct node {
    int val;
    node* left;
    node* right;
        : val(0)
        , left(nullptr)
        , right(nullptr)
    node(int x)
        : val(x)
        , left(nullptr)
        , right(nullptr)
    node(int x, node* left, node* right)
        : val(x)
        , left(left)
        , right(right)
// Function to check if the tree is continuous or not
bool continuous(struct node* root)
    // If root is Null then tree isn't Continuous
    if (root == NULL)
        return false;
    int flag = 1;
    queue Q;
    node* temp;
    // BFS Traversal
    while (!Q.empty()) {
        temp = Q.front();
        // Move to left child
        if (temp->left) {
            // if difference between parent and child is
            // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
            // flag = 0 and break
            if (abs(temp->left->val - temp->val) == 1)
            else {
                flag = 0;
        // Move to right child
        if (temp->right) {
            // if difference between parent and child is
            // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
            // flag = 0 and break
            if (abs(temp->right->val - temp->val) == 1)
            else {
                flag = 0;
    if (flag)
        return true;
        return false;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Constructing the Tree
    struct node* root = new node(3);
    root->left = new node(2);
    root->right = new node(4);
    root->left->left = new node(1);
    root->left->right = new node(3);
    root->right->right = new node(5);
    // Function Call
    if (continuous(root))
        cout << "True\n";
        cout << "False\n";
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Sanjeev Yadav.


// JAVA Code to check if the tree is continuous or not
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// Node structure
static class node
    int val;
    node left;
    node right;
        this.val = 0;
        this.left = null;
        this.right= null;
    node(int x)
        this.val = x;
        this.left = null;
        this.right= null;
    node(int x, node left, node right)
        this.val = x;
        this.left = left;
        this.right= right;   
// Function to check if the tree is continuous or not
static boolean continuous(node root)
    // If root is Null then tree isn't Continuous
    if (root == null)
        return false;
    int flag = 1;
    Queue Q = new LinkedList<>();
    node temp;
    // BFS Traversal
    while (!Q.isEmpty())
        temp = Q.peek();
        // Move to left child
        if (temp.left != null)
            // if difference between parent and child is
            // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
            // flag = 0 and break
            if (Math.abs(temp.left.val - temp.val) == 1)
                flag = 0;
        // Move to right child
        if (temp.right != null)
            // if difference between parent and child is
            // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
            // flag = 0 and break
            if (Math.abs(temp.right.val - temp.val) == 1)
                flag = 0;
    if (flag != 0)
        return true;
        return false;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Constructing the Tree
    node root = new node(3);
    root.left = new node(2);
    root.right = new node(4);
    root.left.left = new node(1);
    root.left.right = new node(3);
    root.right.right = new node(5);
    // Function Call
    if (continuous(root))
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


// C# Code to check if the tree is continuous or not
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
  // Node structure
    class node
        int val;
        node left;
        node right;
      public node()
        this.val = 0;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;  
      public node(int x)
        this.val = x;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
      public node(int x, node left, node right)
        this.val = x;
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;   
  // Function to check if the tree is continuous or not
  static bool continuous(node root)
    // If root is Null then tree isn't Continuous
    if (root == null)
      return false;
    int flag = 1;
    Queue Q = new Queue();
    node temp;
    // BFS Traversal
    while (Q.Count != 0)
      temp = Q.Peek();
      // Move to left child
      if (temp.left != null)
        // if difference between parent and child is
        // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
        // flag = 0 and break
        if (Math.Abs(temp.left.val - temp.val) == 1)
          flag = 0;
      // Move to right child
      if (temp.right != null)
        // if difference between parent and child is
        // equal to 1 then do continue otherwise make
        // flag = 0 and break
        if (Math.Abs(temp.right.val - temp.val) == 1)
          flag = 0;
    if (flag != 0)
      return true;
      return false;
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Constructing the Tree
    node root = new node(3);
    root.left = new node(2);
    root.right = new node(4);
    root.left.left = new node(1);
    root.left.right = new node(3);
    root.right.right = new node(5);
    // Function Call
    if (continuous(root))
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji



时间复杂度: O(n)
