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  • 发布:2023-10-02 18:25

洞仙歌》《天龙八部》:虚竹故事。 真龙逍遥宗,飘渺灵九宫。梅、兰、竹、菊。虚竹,一个快乐的和尚。    输赢、成败,都是别人决定的。 没有人关心你是否有空。 天昏地暗,星辰变幻。风骤然大,山峰云雾缭绕。 美人转眼老去,转眼又青春。梦中的言语有真有虚。 同样的笑容,到最后一切都会是徒劳。迷茫沉醉,爱情有长有短。 我无法理解这个名字与愤怒和贪婪联系在一起。但试问,我什么时候才能停止痴情呢? 歌词:《洞仙歌》,唐娇芳的歌名。这首曲子有命令词和缓慢词。灵词的字数为83至93字,普通话的字数为18至126字。 词牌又称《洞仙歌令》、《羽仙歌》、《洞仙词》、《洞中仙》等。 《洞仙歌》体一:双声八十三个字,上阙六行三俳韵,下阙七行三斜韵。 (苏轼诗《冰肌玉骨》) 如下: (句)仄平平平仄(韵) 仄平平仄平仄(韵)   仄平平(读)仄平平(句子)平仄仄(句子) 平仄(韵) 仄平 仄(句子)ping仄平平(句子)廄平平廄平廄(押韵) 仄仄平平(读)仄平平(句子)平平仄(读) 仄仄(韵) 仄仄仄 (读)平平仄平平(句子)仄仄仄(读)平仄平平仄(韵) 《洞仙歌》体二:双声八十三个字,上栏六行四斜韵,下栏七行三斜韵。此体与苏词相同,只是《上阙》首句押韵,《下阙》第四句、结束句由上五句、下四句组成。 (葛檀诗《枪塔十二人》) 如下:平平廄仄(rhyme) 平仄平平廄( Rhyme ) 仄仄平廄平仄(rhyme) 任平平任仄 (read) 任仄平平 (sentence) 平平仄 (sentence) 任仄平仄仄 (rhyme) ? 仄仄仄平平 (reading) 任仄平平 (sentence) 平平仄 (reading) 平平平仄 (rhyme) 平廄平 (reading) 平仄仄平平 (sentence) 仄平仄平平 (reading) 仄平平廄 (rhyme) 《洞仙歌》Style 3: Eighty-three characters in double tone, six lines in the upper que and three oblique rhymes, and seven lines in the lower que and three oblique rhymes. (Liu Yizhi's poem "Fair Breeze and Light Mist") as follows: 仄平平仄 (sentence) 仄平平平仄 (rhyme) 仄仄平廄平仄(rhyme) ? 平平廄仄 (sentence) 任仄平平 ( Sentence ) 任仄平廄平廄 ( rhyme ) ? ? 《洞仙歌》Style 4: Eighty-three characters in double tone, six lines in the upper que and three oblique rhymes, and seven lines in the lower que and three oblique rhymes. This style is the same as Su Ci, except that the fourth sentence of Shangque is written as upper five and lower four, which is slightly different in reading. Many people in the Song Dynasty filled in this way. (Xin Qiji’s poem “Whirls and Wants to Dance”) as follows: 平平仄仄 (sentence) 仄平平平仄 (rhyme) 平廄平廄平廄(rhyme) ? 平平廄仄 (sentence) 任仄平平 ( Sentence ) 任仄平廄平廄 ( rhyme ) ? ? < To be continued >                                                                         On沪

